How To Have The Best Quick Spa Day At Home

Posted by Halle Homel on

It’s time to relax. After a stressful year, there’s nothing better you can treat yourself to than an at-home spa day made just for you. You’re probably thinking, “I need to do this!” But what do you need to create the perfect at-home spa day that your body will thank you for? These are our favorite tips for an at-home spa day perfect for anyone wanting to take some more time for themselves this week.

Hanalei Sugar Body Scrub Exfoliator

Take A Steam Shower and Exfoliate Your Body

Taking a hot shower is a beautiful way to start relaxing for your at-home spa day. After your steam shower, take this as an opportunity to exfoliate all of your beautiful body skin. Our Sugar Body Scrub is the perfect exfoliator and is best used just after a nice steamy shower, so that you can buff away all of your dry skin.

Cleanse & Exfoliate Your Face

During your spa day, make sure you give your face a little extra love. Gently cleanse and exfoliate your face using either our Papaya Enzyme Powder Face Cleanser or our Charcoal Powder Face Cleanser, and buff away any dry or dead skin, while cleansing your face and detoxing any gunk you need to get rid of. Your skin will be smiling afterwards!

Hanalei Papaya Enzyme Powder Face Cleanser

Use A Sugar Lip Scrub To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

Treat your lips to something sweet! Use a gentle exfoliator made for chapped lips to get rid of any dry skin you have. We love our Sugar Lip Scrub for this. It gently exfoliates using Hawaiian Cane Sugar, and moisturizes using Kukui Nut Oil for a smooth you’re sure to love.

Smooth-On Your Favorite Lip Treatment or Balm

For some extra smooth, add your favorite Lip Treatment or Lip Balm to your spa day. Our Kukui Lip Treatments are some of our favorite products, and the Clear Lip Treatment is perfect for layering on during your spa day. Want something a little more low-key? Our Kukui Lip Balms are perfect for smoothing on after a good Lip Scrub, and come in plenty of island flavors for you to choose from.

Kukui Lip Balms

Turn On Relaxing Spa Music 

There’s nothing like imitating the ambiance of a classic spa. Turn on some beautiful spa music, and use this day as a chance to completely zen out.

Lotion Your Body From Head to Toe

For super smooth, pampered skin, lotion your whole body from head to toe. We love our Kukui Body Lotion for this. It uses natural Hawaiian Botanicals to create a creamy smooth your skin is going to absolutely love.

Apply A Moisturizing Sheet Mask 

It’s not a spa day without a sheet mask. Our Hanalei Face Sheet Masks are the ideal spa essential, and come in 4 beautiful flavors: Pear, Pineapple, Lychee, and Papaya, so you can choose the one that sounds the most luxurious for you during your at-home spa day.

Moisturizing Face Sheet Masks

Diffuse Your Favorite Essential Oil

There’s nothing better than a little aromatherapy. If you have a diffuser, use this as a chance to diffuse your favorite essential oil so that you can relax in every way possible during your at-home spa day.

Clear Your Mind And Drift Away For 30 Minutes

We spend so much time super busy, so during this day you’ve set aside for relaxing and pampering yourself, spend 30 minutes meditating in your favorite way. Meditating doesn’t just mean sitting upright for 30 minutes listening to peaceful music or a guided meditation, it can mean sitting outside in the sun, laying down in a sacred space, or even taking a peaceful walk through the neighborhood. Any way you do it, let yourself drift away.

Relaxing and Meditation

Follow Up With A Piece Of Chocolate 

Finish off your spa day by treating yourself one last time. This time, to a piece of chocolate. Dark chocolate actually has tons of vitamins that can help your body function properly, so go ahead and enjoy one last treat during your beautiful at-home spa day.

Want to pamper yourself even more on the daily? Add our Lip Treatment to your daily routine for super soft lips made for summer.

About the author:

Halle Homel is currently based in Southern California, where she spends her time with her family and dog, Lassen when she’s not traveling. She spends her free time exploring new places, practicing yoga, and working on her blog, Halle’s Wandering Soul. Follow her on Instagram @halleswanderingsoul

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